EJTN Podcast Seminar on EU Instiutional Law

ejtn-independent-seminarsThe EJTN Administrative Law SWG is pleased to launch its second EJTN Podcasted/Filmed Seminar, this time devoted to the topic “EU Institutional Law”.

This training was held at the Administrative Court ofthe Republic o fSlovenia, in Ljubljana, from 16 to 17 June 2014, and  gathered a panelo fspeakers ranging from academia to independent practitioners, EU court officials and national training institutions’ representatives. A total of 38 judges and prosecutors from 18 EU Member States actively participated in thisevent.

All the videos of the seminar can be easily accessed through the links below:

• Direct Link: http://marceldev.nl/aleks/ejtn/
EJTN Resources Section
The EU Institutional Law training webpage (including all training materials, presentations, etc.)
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